Saturday, May 22, 2010

If you like this...

Please vote for me in the spoon flower contest here

Thanking you muchly!


paper-and-string said...

you got my vote :-)

Locket Pocket said...

I'm definitely voting for you! And Daisy will be sending you an email shortly to thank you for her gorgeous Kitty! It's even lovelier in real life - thank you so much! Lucy x

Unknown said...

i like it very much miss Monda, so i voted (despite my flu-yness!)... :)
tried illustrator myself a while back but never really got to grips with it...

ooops! with the sunburn! it has been absolutely gorgeous hasn't it!? bit cloudy here this morning but still really warm and lovely ~ although the wee man is melting in his fur coat, thankfully he has a haircut booked this week which should make him much happier... !

hugs to you,