Friday, October 08, 2010


The progress seems to have been quite slow this week. You know when you really want something to be finished, but it just takes it's sweet time? Well that has been the measure of things this week. I'd honestly forgotten that painting a room requires ceiling, skirting boards, door frames, window sills and radiators as well as walls, and it all needs 2 coats - not to mention that the entire thing needs to be thoroughly clean before you can begin.

It is worth putting in the effort though. The painting has now been finished, and all that remains is to have a thoroughly good sort out of stuff.
Some progress shots:

We're considering putting some of our stuff in storage for a month or two until the decorating of the next project (lounge) is complete. Storage is a real problem in our little flat, so we're planning on two sets of shelves in the recesses either side of the fireplace which should house a lot of our stuff.
Right now though, I'm off to clean up and sort out more of that 'stuff' I seem to accumulate so well.

P.S. Huge thanks to everyone who left comments and feedback on this post.  It's funny, the design that was  liked least was the one I liked most. This is why I value feedback so much, it helps to be able to look at something from another person perspective and definitely helps with the  'just because you love it, doesn't mean others will' or 'just because you don't love it, doesn't mean others won't' thing that comes with designing.

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