Monday, July 26, 2010

back to it

I'm back from my short break on the Isle of Wight. The weather was kind to us and we had sun every day, despite the forecast saying we should have showers for a couple of days.
 The Isle of Wight is famed for dinosaur fossil finds, so we hunted for dinosaur fossils at the beaches we went to. We found fossilised sea sponges, oyster beds, wood, and other sea creatures which were approx. 90 million years old (I know!). We also visited the dinosaur farm museum - which is literally a load of fossils in a couple of barns, and held a cross section of a fossilised Dinosaur poo which was approx. 120 million years old - you could see the plants that it had been eating. It's fascinating, but hard to imagine that you have connected with something 120 million years old.
I collected a couple of pretty pebbles/stones from the beaches we visited - this is becoming something of a ritual every time I go to a new beach. I have them from various beaches across the UK (which would confuse an archaeologist in years to come I'm sure)
This seaweed was found on one of the beaches we visited - all the different colours and varieties were found within a couple of metres
We found a small beach (called Colwell bay) with the clearest waters - and as we wondered around in the shallows, little fish swam past our feet and crabs scuttled off to hide on rocks and in seaweed clusters. Ahh, a lovely time was had.
We didn't stay here - but I wish we had - maybe next time...

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