Monday, September 10, 2007

knitting, yes that's right, I did say knitting!

just a quickie, to tell everyone that Supergran is upon us already.
For the last 3 years, I have knitted little hats to raise money for Age Concern (in association with Innocent) - the idea being that us crafty types knit lots of little wool hats which will fit onto their drinks bottles - and every bottle sold with a hat raises money for people like our grandmas so that they can get help with paying their heating bills or to give them so nice warm food in the winter.
Now I'm no expert knitter but I have put an innocent hatometer on my blog to
a) encourage people to get involved and
b) remind me that I need to get knitting some hats too

Below you can see proof of my knitting skills - very basic stuff, and it's probably been a year in the making. I'm not a slow knitter, I just put it away and forgot about it for a while.
Maybe I'll just pop off a knit a few more rows now...


Monkee Maker said...

Hi Monda,

Good luck with knitting the hats .... add a few more rows and maybe you could turn one into a monster!

Anonymous said...

THe tiny hats are so quick to knit which makes them a joy and the fluffy wool would be brilliant.

the vicious chicken said...

Hope you're doing well with the little wooly hats Monda. I've just finished my last project, so I can now go full speed ahead with some hats too (I've been waiting to get the knitting pins clear for a few weeks now - very excited!)
VC x

Unknown said...

well, your knitting is far more advanced than mine!!!!

Greenmare said...

Another cool blogger sent me over to "visit you" and I LOVE your monsters and your cards! I want to run right up to my sewing room and make stuff!!! Those little knitted hats are super cute, wish I could knit. I tried and tried, but mainly I make trapazoids, which no one really wants. sigh~