Tuesday, May 22, 2012

little dresses

picture via The Lily Bird Studio
I really want to make some little dresses for Boo. I have fabric a plenty in the stash and have found a really cute A-line reversible dress pattern on etsy which is apparently easy to sew (perfect!) but I feel quite daunted by it nonetheless. I've never made any clothing before and I'm sure it's just a case of messing it up and wasting fabric that is putting me off.
I recently asked Amy Neal of CoCo crafts - who makes the sweetest little reversible dresses, if she could make me a couple of dresses from some of the fabric from my stash. I meet Amy a few times a year at local craft events we both sell at and I always love looking at her dresses but have never really had occassion to buy them, until now. I picked out a couple of needle cords and co-ordinating cotton fabrics and Amy made me these little dresses:

I love them. I wish I had made them myself honestly but there is still a bit of time before Boo comes along for me to conquer my fear. I'd love to make some dresses in my own fabric designs too.


Jodie said...

Why not make a practice one from an old sheet...cheap and heaps of fabric. I use sheets for everything. How exciting to be thinking of teeny dresses.

Gina said...

So pretty! And Jodie's idea of practising on something like an old sheet is perfect/

Col | Hello Olive Designs said...

They're lovely! I wouldn't mind a couple in a grown up size :-)