Sunday, April 11, 2010

around these parts

This last week has just zoomed by so quickly - and when I think about where the time has gone, the majority of it has been spent at work. I have been putting in some long days these last few weeks, because despite the fact that I am leaving, I want to get a lot of things tied up before I go - and I don't want to leave and have people confused because they can't find things when I've gone. I've been busy filing and writing handover and process documents. 
I'll need to spend some time this week clearing my desk, packing the things I want to take with me and filing the rest under B, for bin! It will be strange to walk out of the door on Friday. I have no idea how I'll feel - probably a mixture of sad and happy.

Springing up around these parts, ever so quickly I might add, are some golden tomatoes (seeds from the ones I grew last year), courgettes and rocket:
 I have some sugar snap peas, cucumbers and spinach seeds still waiting to be planted - I've just run out of window sill space!

One of my favourite expressions at the moment, when talking to Mr Monda is 'when I haven't got a job, I'm going to ...' and this is usually followed by some ambitious plan to do something or other. I have so many thoughts and ideas about what I'm going to do 'when I haven't got a job'.
I'm itching to get stuck in the fabric I've been collecting (ok then, hoarding). I have a whole load of Mr Monda's old cotton shirts which will become a quilt, and so many bits a bobs of vintage and recycled fabrics and findings - like this little lot of recycled zips, napkins, pillowcases and old lace, just waiting to be turned into something lovely:


Gina said...

You might feel sad to leave on Friday but you'll certainly have lots to keep you busy!

Kate said...

good luck with your final week- and welcome to the life of leisure ;-)