I must apologise for the radio silence here. So much is happening. We're on the home straight now with only 4 weeks left until Baby Boo is due (how did that happen?) and much is being done in preparation of this, as well as plenty of work being done before it's time to give it all up for a while.
I have quite typically gone into a bit of a tidying, sorting and cleaning frenzy and have decided to clear the decks a little when it comes to my wooly stuff etsy shop, so I'm having a MONSTER SALE
Well actually, not just monsters, but everything in my shop is now 50% off - owls, kitties, phone cosies, cards and scrap bags, until further notice or until everything has sold - whichever comes first
Pop over here and have a nosy. I'm sure there will be a bargain to tickle your fancy.
***Edited to add - you need to use the code Monda50 at the checkout to activate the discount***